[This article originally appeared on the blog of mises.ca, on December 29, 2012]
John C. Calhoun divided the citizenry of a country into tax payers
and tax consumers. Ludwig con Mises concluded that the anti-capitalist
society (socialist and interventionist) is one of everyone against
everyone, since as a result of the lack of economic calculation there
will always be a shortage of desired goods and services in this type of
society. Since in an anti-capitalist society income gets redistributed,
then, what one needs to be is a tax consumer.
Over the course of the past year or two, civil unrest has dominated
the most indebted countries of the European Union. There, the tax
consuming masses have repeatedly walked and vandalized the streets of
their cities in order to force politicians to renege austerity measures.
While all this was going on, the government of my native Republic of
Macedonia kept assuring its own people that their country was far from
any crisis. Yet, on Christmas Eve Macedonia joined other European
countries when its first budget related protests took place (see photo
to the right).
There is a twist to the Macedonian story and one that may be of use
to us. The protest itself took place when police officers physically
threw out members of the Opposition (a wide coalition led by the
Social-democrats) for filibustering the vote on the 2013 Budget.
However, as has become practice in Macedonia, every opposition protest
has been met with a ruling party sanctioned (and paid-for)
counter-protest. The photo shows two sets of demonstrators separated by a
police cordon.
After the fall of Communism, Macedonia adopted a very liberal (in the
classical sense) Constitution in 1991, which unlike that of, say
Canada, sanctifies private property and the market economy. It follows
that Macedonia should be in the company of Singapore and Hong Kong in
terms of economic freedom and prosperity. It is not. Under Communism
there was 100% employment (though as the line goes, nobody worked), so
there was no need to keep track of the unemployment figures. Since
Constitution, the unemployment rate has consistently hovered around 35%.
The reason for this dissonance between theory and reality is the fact
that private property has continually been trampled upon and the free
market was never allowed to operate. Thus, the vast majority of jobs in
Macedonia are provided by the government, while whatever private sector
jobs are there, they are provided by crony capitalists. Political
connectedness rules the day, because politics rules the economy.
The governments in charge between 1990 and 2006 (which comprise the
current Opposition) more or less kept to the same policy of distributing
welfare to the unemployed, in the form of food stamps, humanitarian
assistance, and the like. The present Government which took power in
2006 has been employing the New Deal (FRD/Hitler) method of expanding
the administration, heavy subsidization of agriculture and building
monuments and sports arenas. A telling point as to how much the
administration has grown in the past 6 years is the fact that there are
now bureaucrats for whom there are no offices or bureaus. They are forced
to spend their workdays (which mostly consist of glorifying the
Government on Facebook and Twitter) in coffee shops and taverns!
Inevitably the government took to growing its money supply to finance
all the falsified growth. Local economists inform that the M2 has
nearly doubled between August 2006 and December 2012, going from 66
billion to 121 billion denars. The influx of new money provided for a
period of false (yet moderate, nonetheless) prosperity. A detailed
description of what went on in Macedonia is unnecessary to the present
discussion. All we need to know here is that despite having its own
currency, Macedonia’s reserve currency is the Euro, and that since its
market economy was never allowed to operate, the country relies heavily
on imports. Indeed, since the Government subsidizes tobacco farming, a
disproportionate number of farmers grow it (and not enough of it either)
and not market desired foodstuffs which have to be imported (the
Government pays higher-than-market prices for tobacco, so it cannot turn
a profit by exporting it); since the Government subsidizes the steel
industry, manufacturers in other fields are discouraged to enter simply
because they carry the tax load. Thus, the country really relies on
foreign loans from the World Bank, the IMF and Eurobonds in order to
make due.
As the vicious circle of debt driven inflation goes, you always need
more debt. And, since Macedonia is no US of A, it cannot borrow quite as
easily as the US does. There are still some rules in place for
Macedonia: one being that it cannot receive its latest loan of roughly
250 million Euros without passing next year’s budget. This brings us to
the point of our story: the budget related protests and counter-protests
as a manifestation of the political means of running an economy over
the market approach.
smelled a potential electoral win in seeing that the government is
broke, the Opposition has moved to block the passing of the 2013 Budget
in order to block the latest loan. Here is what might be an episode of a
visitation from the Ghost of Christmas Future for us: pensioners,
bureaucrats and other state employees gathered to protest the
Opposition’s move, while its would-be bureaucrats met them on the other
side of the police cordon in a fight of everyone against everyone for
the booty of the public purse.
[This post originally appeared on the blog of mises.ca, on December 22, 2012]

The traditional clamor of family gatherings, feasts and gift
exchanges that accompany the Holiday Season have of late been augmented
by local and regional police squads with the widespread application of
R.I.D.E. The “Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere” (R.I.D.E.)
program, which started in Etobicoke, Ontario in 1977 has grown, as all
government programs tend, to mammoth proportions. In short, the program
consists of local bulletproof clad police squads armed to their teeth,
turning downtown areas and highway on-ramps into war zones with their
cherrytops flashing as if the Soviets had just invaded, checking drivers
for alcohol induced impairment. While the damages that result from
drunk driving can be to private property, the “prevention” of injury to
private property that is accomplished by R.I.D.E. is something of an
exaggeration. For, it is one thing to prevent an imminent crime, it is
completely another to label persons criminals for being in a broad
statistical category that has a given statistical chance of committing
an injury. In that respect, “drunk drivers” caught at a checkpoint are
similar to persons who get arrested for possessing illegal drugs.
R.I.D.E.’s aim is to catch “impaired” drivers who are clearly capable of
driving safely—for if they were driving dangerously they would be
easily noticeable on the road.
Until recently, R.I.D.E. was practiced only on holiday weekends and
the Christmas season, and it was somewhat reasonable: check-points were
set for outbound traffic in the most heavily trafficked areas. In more
recent times, the program has taken a completely idiotic turn, as check
points on highway off-ramps have began to spring up on rather random nights; while the legal impairment limit has been reduced to an unreasonably low 0.05. If the objective of the program is to prevent
impaired, unsafe driving, it is difficult to see the effectiveness of
it when it purports to catch drivers who have already safely driven to
and down the highway. Clearly, we cannot take the word of the Police on
its face that its’ objective is to protect the public; rather a more
sensible explanation for their action is that there is little more than a
financial goal behind it, and a dose of behavior control.
Speaking to the St. Catharines Standard, concerning its
latest sting O.P.P. Staff Sgt. Jan Idzenga expresses frustration with
the public’s defiance of the law: “I don’t know what else we have to do
to hammer this message home. I don’t think people understand the
The Standard goes on to explain that:
The RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) program is
well-advertised in newspapers, on television and on the radio. Both the
OPP and Niagara Regional Police often announce they’re running ride
checks in advance. Yet, as Idzenga points out, “they’re still not
getting the message.”
Friday night, the NRP checked the drivers of 600 cars at a roadside
checkpoint in St. Catharines. Four people were arrested for blowing over
the legal limit of a .08% blood alcohol level.
This, according to NRP Sgt. Darrin Forbes is still “pretty high.” In
fact, “until we go out and catch no one drinking and driving out there,
it will continue to be a concern,” he said. Police departments, of
course, have the luxury of setting such lofty and impossible goals,
since they have no financial constraints to hold them back. Thus, they
don’t need to find effective ways of being useful to the public: they
just need to look busy.
For its’ NRP Friday Night RIDE for December 14, the NRP reports that
600 vehicles were stopped, out of which 16 roadside sobriety tests were
conducted (officers suspected drunkenness in these cases, or the drivers
were naïve enough not to lie), these resulted in three 3-day license
suspensions and 4 impaired driving charges. Statistically, 0.26% of
those checked were suspicious enough to give sobriety tests to; out of
which half proved to be in violation of the law. Yet, as trivial as
these numbers seem, drunk drivers can often injure other people, and
thus represent a problem to the protection of private property.
That said if safety were the true objective, it can be achieved much
more cheaply and effectively than by police-state like measures. Rather
than turning downtown areas and highways into war zones, the concerned
city leaders ought to provide for the true problem at hand: the
difficulty of getting around in cities. It is an undeniable truth that
the sprawling nature of Canadian cities is a deliberate design to
subsidize the car industry, which according to Keynesian doctrine is
indispensible to economic wellbeing. As such, it is nearly impossible to
get around by walking from place to place, especially in the late-fall
to early-spring time of year.
To the great shock of busybodies, people are not stupid nor do they
have desires to put their own lives in danger; they are just left with
no choice. Indeed, the city owned transit system shuts down long before
the bar curfew. In fact, before most people even make it out to the
bars. At the same time the taxi licensing regime in place gives rise to a
shortage of private providers of mass transportation. Licensed taxis
are hard to come by, since there is a lack of inducement for them to put
extra cars on the road (an understandable action on their part, since
this capital investment will not be self-liquidating due to the lack of
daytime business). Yet, much cheaper and equally reliable “gypsy cab”
service providers have been a target of the law enforcement authorities
for as long as I have lived in this province (12 years). For this
reason, even if they do have cars available, one cannot know, since
advertizing for them is a way of self-sabotage. There is on top, the
stigmatization of illegal taxis, in that they could be staffed
with potential rapists or thieves—borne from the indoctrination that
what is not regulated is by default criminal. (To this point when the
question is posed “What makes legal taxi drivers safe?” the answer is
that “They have been checked.” Checked by whom? Illegal taxi companies
have the same objective as legal ones: to turn a profit by providing a
Therefore, if the goal is to improve safety and protect the local
population from drunk driving, abolish this trauma inducing ugliness
called R.I.D.E., which is easily circumnavigated by bypassing the “usual
spots” anyway, and allow for a better late-night transportation system
to develop. Rather than paying exorbitant overtime salaries to police
officers and tying up their crime solving resources for babysitting
activities, make provisions for something to the effect of late night,
part-time taxi licenses; and extend the hours of certain city bus
routes. Such a solution would not only increase safety, but it will
provide additional incomes for people ready to render actual and desired
services; while at the same time bar revenues are sure to go up as the
necessity of the Designated Driver is rendered no more.
[This post appeared originally on the blog of mises.ca, on December 4, 2012]
With crony capitalists as its supposed champions, capitalism needs no
enemies. They are plenty and easy to find in the political sphere,
particularly among what these days passes as the Right. Thus, the job of
true capitalists is to out the false friends of laissez-faire by
refuting their fallacies. One representative of the false champions of
the market economy is now-ousted Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. This fellow ran
a campaign on the promise to cut government waste in Canada’s largest
city—and won. Yet, this seems to be a promise too easy to make, and
break, for two reasons. First, politicians usually buckle under the
pressure of an impending election. They fear a loss of popularity which
could mean a loss of their comfortable job. Second, a politician may not
buckle, yet, he may simply not understand the mechanics of the market
economy, or chooses not to.
While irrelevant to our purpose, in Ford’s case, in the opinion of
this writer, it seems that the latter reason was the key to his ultimate
failure to make a real impact in what is business as usual in Canadian
politics. A defining moment in Ford’s early tenure was his battle
against the garbage collector’s union. It was a fight that Ford
ultimately won—but free market capitalism lost—by managing to outsource a
part of the city’s collection services to private companies. It was a
move described by both supporters and opponent of Ford’s as the
“privatization” of garbage collection. But it wasn’t privatization; the handing over of garbage collection to private contractors was the cartelization
of Toronto’s garbage collection. For, the City awarded a turn-key
business to a company that had gone through the rigmarole of obtaining
countless government licenses to operate in what is generally considered
the lowest level of the economic pyramid, i.e. an entry level industry
where very little capital investment is necessary if not for legal
barriers. This was not an open tender to anyone who wished to put their
services on offer; this was a contest with a pre-determined winner,
picked out of a small group of entities which have satisfied the
expensive demands of the laws they lobbied for. On top of that, the
customers were not given a choice as to who they would personally deal
with; they were forced into accepting the service provider that the City
chose. That is to say, the customers had no choice as to who they pay for the service, regardless of who executes it.
In a piece defending Ford’s approach, the National Post would conclude that:
Critics of privatization have pointed to initial problems
with the new collection service as evidence that the trade-off for the
potential cost savings will be lower quality service. But by doing so,
they have demonstrated precisely why they are wrong.
It is far easier to hold private contractors accountable for their
service deficiencies than government departments. Furthermore, private
contractors have to perform to the standard spelled out in their
While correct in saying that it is easier to hold private contractors
accountable for their services than government departments, this does
not apply the same way to cartelized businesses as it does to businesses
engaged in laissez-faire competition. Likewise, it does not mean that
taxpayers are getting a free market level quality of service (relative
to what they are paying). When private contractors which have been
awarded government contracts (that is, government monopoly) fail to meet
taxpayers’ expectations there is still the bureaucratic process that
needs to follow in order for their complaints to be heard, and
improvements in the service to be implemented. More so, the individual
household has no recourse; it cannot take its business elsewhere. Thus,
while it may be easier to hold these private contractors accountable
relative to City employees, it is still infinitely harder to hold them
as accountable as service providers in a perfectly free market.
The earnest privatization of garbage collection would happen when it
is private entities that decide how to dispose of their garbage. If
Toronto’s garbage collection was truly privatized, then the City of
Toronto would have nothing to do with it. Each individual, household or
business would make their own arrangements to dispose of their garbage.
Here we anticipate the question, “But if the local government doesn’t
take care of it, then who will collect the garbage?” To which the
obvious answer is: the homeless, the unemployed or simply anyone who
sees an entrepreneurial opportunity for profit. Say’s law
holds true: At the present time there are numerous entities that
provide garbage disposal services to businesses across Canada;
similarly, there are countless persons who routinely go through people’s
trash before the garbage collectors make their rounds. There are
pallet, cardboard and plastic recycling companies, to name a few—often
comprising of single operators, that seek out every single discard they
can get their hands on. These companies provide customized services to
each of their customers: in some cases receptacles (bins, compactors or
trailers) are spotted at customers’ locations; in other instances
pick-ups are provided on an as-needed basis (which can range from
monthly collection, to several times per week)—and there are no limits
as to how much garbage the customer can dispose of per collection.
Similarly, there are grease and cooking oil companies that collect what
is a nuisance for restaurants. There are tire recyclers, electronics
recyclers and there are aluminum recyclers. And with the constant
progress of technologies, every day brings new ways to reuse something
that was garbage the day before, thereby commodifying yesterday’s trash.
There is no mystery as to why owners of local landfills and commercial garbage companies are often if not the wealthiest
in their communities, then certainly among the richest and most
powerful. There is proverbial gold in them hills of trash—and local
monopolies are granted by authorities over them. This allows the
Ministry of Environment licensed “landfills” to obtain a
higher-than-market return on investment, since competition is limited or
outlawed. Exact numbers of how much of the garbage that gets generated annually
ends up in the landfills, and how much of it gets recycled, are
irrelevant to the current discussion. The point is that a great deal of
what citizens pay a tax to dispose of, ends up being reused by landfill
owners. However, while in, say, the cardboard recycling industry the
collector either performs the service for free or pays the entity
disposing of their refuse; in the household garbage collection industry
the collector gets paid to receive a commodity which he re-sells. Thus,
garbage collectors get paid twice—something that would be impossible
under an earnest regime of privatized garbage collection. Unlike
landfills which already turn a profit from collection, independent
recyclers (privatized garbage collectors) have a greater incentive to
make every piece of trash re-sellable. Indeed, most of what ends up in
the garbage is reusable, as long as it gets sorted properly: at the very
least anything that is organic gets turned into decorative mulch or
fertilizer. If the garbage collection market was allowed to function
freely, then the likelihood is that as a result of competition among
collectors, disposers would be able to make some money out of their
garbage. It is the pattern that developed in all the above mentioned
recycling industries.
As we can see, the outsourcing some or all of the City’s garbage
collection to private cartels is a far cry from the true privatization
of this service—something that should be kept in mind every time a
politician makes a claim that they will “privatize” one thing or
[This post originally appeared on the blog of mises.ca, on November 28, 2012]

Austro-libertarians, present company included, have a tendency to
believe that they understand the political system—the State—better than
the average person. This opinion stems from careful study of the theory
and history of the State, broken down logically and with consistency
that any “Austrian” undertakes in his becoming one. The “average person”
doesn’t waste his time reading volumes written 50, 100 or 200 years
ago. He has no clue as to who Frederic Claude Bastiat, Alert Jay Nock,
or Herbert Spencer are, not to mention Lysander Spooner, Ludwig von
Mises, F.A. Harper or Murray N. Rothbard. The writings of these
gentlemen have summed up the nature of the State to be that of a
monopoly of the physical violence over a given territory. Naturally,
since the State is comprised of individuals who fill in various official
spots by living off of the taxation of other people’s productive
labors, it will tend to maintain the status quo at the very
least—and perpetually push for an expansion of its influence as standard
practice. Since “mainstream” individuals tend to call for or accept
government intervention in the market as the solution to any perceived
problem, Austro-libertarians conclude that adherents to the mainstream
ideology of interventionism fail to recognize the true nature of the
State as described above. Yet, the case could be made for the exact
opposite: Austro-libertarians, perhaps out of naiveté, fail to see the
practical nature of the State—the indiscriminate practitioner of force
that has no qualms about destroying lives, and thus fail to heed the
warning that they themselves loud; while mainstreamers recognize the
State’s frequent use of its might and are careful not to rattle any
To be sure, the reluctance of the inhabitants of states of the former
Soviet bloc to step up and criticize the established system of their
countries never surprised me due to the publicly known secret of the
diligence of the ideological police. There, advice to not provoke
calamity onto oneself through criticism is predictable, if not
disheartening. Yet, getting the same or similar advice in a beacon of
democracy, such as Canada ought to be outrageous, right? Here freedom
(of speech and ideas) reigns supreme, does it not? In our great
democratic society, we are told, the commonweal trumps ideology.
Therefore, Austro-libertarian criticisms of the political system ought
to be celebrated as offerings for a higher quality of life. In practice,
not only is Austro-libertarian thought shunned, it appears that those
who make even the smallest of efforts to benefit the public through the
use of less interventionist policies are now open targets for political
It may or may not be the case with other writers in
Austro-libertarian and Anarcho-capitalist circles, but this writer has
experienced more than one instance of worry expressed by a friend or
loved one about the “dangerous” contents of his works published on this
website. In a beautiful embodiment of Basitat’s “what is seen and what is not seen”
lesson, these people understand that bad things will happen to them if
they attempt to change the system; but fail to realize that even worse
things happen when they don’t. Sure, they might get admitted to
post-graduate studies, or get a job with an established crony
corporation, or never provoke a CRA audit upon themselves. But in doing
so, they support the theft through regulation, inflation and
taxation—the three pillars of interventionism—which ultimately bring
about a lower standard of living than otherwise possible for themselves
by forcing business to move away, stifling innovation, dictating
behavior and destroying capital.
While not “Austrian” in his economics, or libertarian in his
politics, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford in his time in office—which seems to
have come to an abrupt end half-way in his term due to a judge’s
decision—at least was willing to cut down some of the Public Sector in
Canada’s largest city. His solution to garbage removal, for instance,
though not fully market-based (more on this in my next post), did upset
the public union’s monopoly over this essential service, and sent a
threatening signal to other unions that their racketeering reign might be coming to a close. Similarly, Ford went after the police and firefighting unions in trying to cut the increases
to their annual budgets, and tried to reduce the number of libraries
under the city’s proprietorship. Realistically, these attempts at
cutting the excesses of Toronto’s government are as miniscule relative
to the real solutions needed, as is Ford’s offence compared to the
scandals of politicians of all spheres that come to the public light on a
daily basis. Yet, if his policies proved successful, then the public
acceptance of interventionism—as embodied through unionism, public
education, public media, even universal health care—may quickly erode,
leaving thousands of “civil servants” without the above market (Discounted Marginal Value Product) incomes they have come accustomed to. This is very dangerous business.
Unsurprisingly then, Rob Ford’s publically expressed desire (whether
genuine or not) to cut down on the Public Sector made him the target of
every Public Institution under the sky. His time in office was marked by
the savage attacks
on his personal life by the publicly owned Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation, more than anything he did or failed to do. It comes as no
surprise then, that he is being ousted out of office as a result of an
inquiry conducted by a public official, a so-called Integrity
Commissioner, and a judgment reached by a publically appointed judge. In
a statement that could not be more wrong, Mr. Ford has declared this
outcome to be the result of “left-wing” politics, when really his
ousting is the result of interventionist politics. All politicians break
the code of integrity in their jurisdiction. “Right wing” Toronto Sun lists a bevy of provincial Liberal indiscretions
with public money that trump Ford’s conflict of interest by a thousand
times. On the other hand, who can forget federal Conservative Minister
Bev Oda’s royal treatments on the public tab.
All that either the “left” or the “right” have to say is, “at least we
are not as bad as the other guys.” Despite the “right’s” protestations,
Ford is as guilty of the crime of abusing power as any of the others. Yet, in no case did a judge oust a single “civil servant” out of their job. Ford brought the shadow of a threat to the interventionist status quo and is now paying the price for it through a career assassination of the first kind.
Ultimately, there is a lesson here to be learned for all those who seek to change the status quo.
Mr. Ford is guilty of the transgression he was accused of, regardless
of its paltriness. More so, he is guilty of not staying true to the
principles he supposedly espouses: those of the impossible dream of
responsible government. So, the lesson is that if one decides to go
against the grain, he must be in practice what he claims in his
rhetoric; otherwise the great machine that is the Establishment (by
this I mean not some secret society of ultra-rich people, but the
bureaucrats, elected representatives, publicly funded media, union
workers, crony capitalists, etc.) will grind you up in a heartbeat. In
this respect, Texas Congressman Ron Paul remains the unchallenged
standard bearer.